Imagine a sports mouthguard that not only protects teeth and reduces the risk of concussion, it inhibits microbes and makes a fashion statement while at the same time actually improving the wearer's athletic performance!
Imagine a sports mouthguard that not only protects teeth and reduces the risk of concussion, it inhibits microbes and makes a fashion statement while at the same time actually improving the wearer's athletic performance!
Olympic medalists know one thing for certain—it's hard to win without the right equipment.
The "Smart Plug" is a superior solution that minimizes the tendencies toward loose electrical connections, corrosion, overheating, and other problems inherent to the incumbent product.
To direct and protect cables, Marconi manufactures a megaphone-shaped communications cone. Mounted in outdoor cabinets, the cone functions much like a traditional wiring harness, funneling cables and protecting them through climate changes as varied as the Earth's terrain.